Donate Today

Donate to MSHF
Join the MSHF SAINTS, an initiative to raise $100,000 over 10 years. Donors commit to either a one time gift of $1000 or giving at their own pace between 2021-2031 (MSHF's  25th anniversary).
Please become a SAINT:
Speech-Language Pathologists,
Audiologists, and Friends Investing in Scholarships for the Next
Generation of
Therapists and Scholars

To donate by credit or debit card, please click the secure link below:

To donate via check, please send your donation to:

ATTN: Nichole Richardson
201 Townsend Street
Suite 900
Lansing, MI 48933

Please designate your donation's destination: to the GENERAL FUND, the SAINTS FUND, or in honor or memory of someone (and provide their contact information). All donations are appreciated.

Thank you!